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Garibay Soup: Mission Monkey

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mission Monkey

I have a very happy life.

My children and us are healthy, happy and I feel we are extremely blessed.

This can change in the blink of an eye though.

Meet Monkey. Life was normal just a couple weeks ago. Then her mom found a lump, then was told her 16 month old baby has cancer.
Life changed.  And I can't stop thinking about how one second life can be good, the next so bad.

I'm giving my babies more hugs and kisses and thanking God more for my blessings, but knowing that life can't always go as we have planned.  We have to embrace what good is going on in our lives at the moment.  I can't dwell on the past, I can't dwell on relationships that haven't worked.

I can just be thankful for my current blessing, my current happiness, because tomorrow it can all be gone.

To follow Monkey's story you can head over to Michelle's blog {Momma's Pixie Dreams} offer her your support, prayers and love as she ventures into a journey of cancer with her child.... it's not right, it's not fair.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is awesome Amanda! Thank you for helping get the word out. Prayers for Monkey!!!

May 14, 2010 at 7:31 PM  

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