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Garibay Soup: Neighbor on Craigslist! LOL!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Neighbor on Craigslist! LOL!!

Totally slacking here! Sorry.... there's been new neighbor episodes.

Frankly... not even normal.

"Jim" comes to my door and asks if I was offended when he offered to take pictures of me for my husband. Offended? No. Would do it in a million years? No.

Apparently, assistant girl went on Craiglist in our area under Artists and put his name as the subject. When you opened it I guess it told people of how he was offending his neighbor by trying to get her to pose nude for him, and that he spent $14,000.00 on hookers this summer. That confuses me, because how can he be a pimp if he's spending money on them? Obviously he doesn't know what he's doing.... or he's just down right a perv!

So, after he told me this {which he claims it's all lies} I asked if he reported it to Craigslist and he said he did. DAMN! I ran ever so quickly to my computer to take a screen shot of it for this blog post, but Craigslist is good... it was gone. BUMMER!


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Blogger Unknown said...

OMG, just when I thought it couldn't get any more outrageous, lol!!

November 21, 2009 at 10:35 PM  

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