Enchanting Havoc (formerly Garibay Soup)

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Garibay Soup: Great for advertisers too!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Great for advertisers too!

I've been so concerned about reaching out to my fellow bloggers about joining up with SocialSpark.com to make money blogging, that I completely forgot to reach out to those who have something they really want advertised.

As I go around looking at other's blogs I've come across a lot of blogs that are trying to sell products that they make, or are trying to get traffic to their site to hear their views. If you really want your traffic to boom and your sells to sky rocket then you should consider joining in with the SocialSpark community. You will have hundreds of bloggers anxiously ready to type great reviews about what you want them to. You will even have the opportunity to sponsor a blog.

I have come across some great things that I enjoy that I personally would love to blog about. The first one is Everyday Minerals, which is the makeup that I use. Blurb, which is a website that can turn your blog into a hardcover book. While I'm sure they're getting great business, imagine how much more they could get if they took their advertising to the max by having bloggers advertise for them.

Imagine how much more business you could get if you were a part of a growing community of people eager to help you out.
Sponsored by SocialSpark



Blogger Zooropa said...

Yeah, it's getting lot of fun joining SSpark! Nice to meet you & hope to see u ard at my place some day. Cheers...


May 26, 2008 at 10:45 AM  

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