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Garibay Soup: Who would've thought?!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Who would've thought?!

Who would have thought that in order for me to just get some major things done at my house all I'd need to do is just go and get a JOB! I have no idea what in the world my deal has been at home these past 3 years, but ever since I've been OUT OF THE HOUSE I'm doing more IN THE HOUSE.

This weekend I did some major transformations in my garage. I found things that made me oooooo and ahhhh and things my friend who was in there with me wanted to hit me over the head with for not having up in my home. But I'm finally organizing MAJORLY and I think I'm even ready to bust out some paint and have this home of our's {well, sortof since we don't own it} the way I envision it.

I need to remember after this working thing I'm doing is over that I MUST stick to a schedule.  I MUST take advantage of all the time I will have at home to ensure that my home looks how I want it.... to make my home the haven it should be for my family.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even SAHM's need to get out of the house in order to get the house done! I've noticed that I have more energy and interest for housework when I'm looking at the house with a fresh set of eyes after being gone for a few hours. You just get blind to all that needs doing if you feel like it'll always be there later for you to do!

August 9, 2010 at 11:15 AM  

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